Innovad® in collaboration with Ghent University (Belgium) launched a new diagnostics service called Myco-Marker® to transform completely the way to perform mycotoxin risk assessment combining feed and blood analysis. Thus, Myco-Marker® allows for the first time to know the real mycotoxin exposure.

Mycotoxin Analysis in blood: discovering real Mycotoxin Exposure


By combining finished feed and blood analysis with an accurate technical farm evaluation, Myco-Marker® can now understand the true impact of mycotoxins on animal health and performance. After few months of Myco-Marker® application in many commercial farms, obtained results demonstrated that mycotoxins are a real threat as all studied farms presented a mycotoxin risk. Moreover, all cases had exposure to three or more mycotoxins at the same time. On the other hand, Myco-Marker® analysis from multiple farms, has been clearly demonstrated the added value of blood analysis. Thus, ~80% of cases were missed without blood analyses.

Discussing collection and analysing samples, Myco-Marker® allows us to draw a clear tendency regarding real mycotoxin risk and the important correlations between mycotoxin exposure and clinical symptoms present in the studied animals have been recognized. For example, all studied poultry farms that presented animals suffering necrotic enteritis had co-exposure to deoxynivalenol and fumonisins.

In a definitive conclusion after only a few months, the obtained information is showing the breakthrough of Myco-Marker® and the importance of discovering true exposure to mycotoxins in blood and real risk.


E-Conference details



28th April 2021



14:00 SG/CN/PH/MY
13:00 TH/VN/ID
11:30 IN
8:00 CET



13:50 (SG)

Program overview and Q&A 

14:05 (SG)


14:10 (SG)

Speaker 1: Prof. Mathias Devreese: Associate professor of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics from the University of Ghent (Belgium). He did his Ph.D. in the Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology and after his Ph.D. he obtained a post-doctoral research grant from the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) to establish a juvenile piglet model for preclinical pediatric pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic research.

14:35 (SG)

Speaker 2: Dr. Arnau Vidal: Toxin and stress control manager from Innovad (Belgium). He did a PhD about mycotoxins in Lleida University (Spain) and he worked as post-doctoral researcher in the Center of Excellence in Mycotoxicology and Public Health (Ghent University, Belgium) in a research project granted by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) to study mycotoxin biomarkers in humans and animals.

15:00 (SG)

Speaker 3: Paul Coquelin, Asian Market Manager at Innovad, based in HCMC (Vietnam), with an engineering background in feed-additives.

15:25 (SG)

Final Q&A





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